The school was built on Hykeham Road in 1966, replacing the St. Catherine's School at South Park. It was designed as a special school for 120 ESN pupils between the ages of 7 and 16 years. The age range was later extended to children from the age of 3 upwards.
When the school was planned other schools of a similar nature were carefully studied and it was noted how the children formed into small groups, so that the teacher could spend a proportion of time with each group. The idea was thus formed that large bays and alcoves would be ideal for these groups centered around a space which would be available for more formal types of teaching.
Finally a cross plan shape was evolved with each leg of the cross a bay window. This plan shape, but much larger, was used to form the hall. When the school was first opened we were able to offer 2 specialist rooms. One was called an auxiliary classroom in which laboratory benches where available to do simple experiments. The second was the Diagnostic Unit which had easily accessible toilets, stores and cloakroom.
In addition to the specialist rooms we had seven classrooms. The junior classrooms open off a cloak concourse. One of the senior classrooms had been laid out as an art/craft room with a pottery area in one corner. A domestic science room and a handicraft room had also been provided. In the domestic science room there was a demonstration kitchen and kitchenettes for the girls with alcoves for a bedroom and a dining room. A bathroom was also provided for self hygiene and mothercare. The handicraft room provided for woodwork with an alcove for metalwork and a small dark room for photography.